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Transkulturelle Begegnungen im Incoming-Freiwilligendienst

Eine qualitative Studie zu den Erfahrungen von Freiwilligen aus Ländern des Globalen Südens
Nomos,  2023, 119 Pages

ISBN 978-3-7560-0540-6

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englischEvery year, several thousand volunteers from all over the world participate in international voluntary service programmes in Germany. Transcultural encounters are a primary goal of the volunteering programmes. But what are the experiences of volunteers from countries of the Global South in encounters during their voluntary service in Germany?

This qualitative study focuses on the perspectives of so-called incoming volunteers and examines the opportunities for and obstacles to transcultural encounters in international voluntary service programmes in Germany. It also takes a critical look at the postcolonial and racist structures in which voluntary service takes place.

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