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Transnationale Regulierung von Investitionen in Emerging Markets

Eine rechtstheoretische, rechtsdogmatische und kautelarjuristische Untersuchung der Regulierung von privaten Investitionen durch die International Finance Corporation
Nomos,  2019, 551 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8487-4816-7

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englischInvestments in emerging markets are regularly subject to transnational regulation by institutional lenders. The justification, structure and effects of this transnational regulation in emerging markets have, so far, hardly been comprehensively examined in legal studies, although the complex of issues is highly relevant. The present book examines this complex of issues and concludes that a transnational law has emerged which determines the regulatory environment for investments in emerging markets and thus, has a material influence on transaction and contract design. First of all, the legal theoretical foundations that are shaped by the development paradigms will be analysed. This is followed by a legal-dogmatic analysis of the relevant norm levels. Finally, an investigation of the effects on transaction and contract design follows.