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Bezerra Sales

Überzählige Embryonen in der Reproduktionsmedizin

Ein Rechtsvergleich zwischen Deutschland und Brasilien
Nomos,  2015, 306 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-5708-2

79,00 € incl. VAT
79,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThis paper aims at making a comparative analysis of German and Brazilian doctrines and jurisprudence in order to contribute to the update of the dialogue of legal experiences of Germany and Brazil, on behalf of the affirmation of the democratic State of law. The reasons that authorize the employment of such comparative methodology and epistemological cut have been observed in the recent political history of the two countries. The hypothesis brought about by this study aims at demonstrating if the degree of complexity is intrinsic to the concept of person and the dignity inherent to him (her), trying to prove its ability as a legal tool in the analysis of the current phenomenon of using Biotechnology in everyday life, especially in regard to its application in the context of procreation by means of the analysis limits of the possibilities of guardianship of embryos from the exceeding items of the practices of highly complex assisted reproduction. Fair dealing is the media research to assist in the solution of problems related to the issue of infertility, safeguarding the need that these knowledge and scientific advances be obtained and used safely, democratically, and publicly regulated by society. Biotechnology must be at the service of man, based upon the grounds of this purpose and assuming that human beings foreshadow the assertion and recognition of a status which provides numerous potentials: the condition of person. The person is and exists in a process that goes from conception to death. The human being, as such is, in his essence, based upon and made up in his existence, as framed by the circumstances that make him unique in his search for recognition of his status as the subject of Law.