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Unbillige Weisungen des Arbeitgebers und ihre Folgen

Zugleich ein Beitrag zu ausgewählten Grundlagenfragen des Weisungsrechts
Nomos,  2024, 524 Pages

ISBN 978-3-7560-1474-3

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The work is part of the series Studien zum deutschen und europäischen Arbeitsrecht (Volume 116)
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englischWhat are the consequences of an instruction by the employer that does not comply with the limit of "equitable discretion" within the meaning of § 106 S. 1 GewO? For the first time, a general overview of the problem of consequences is provided and not only the legal consequences of the specific instruction are examined, but also the claims that may arise for the employee in this context.

After the author has assured himself of the fundamentals of the right to issue instructions and the significance of "equitable discretion", he turns to the central concern of his work. Among other things, he examines the employee's right to choose, the consequences for remuneration, possible claims to employment and the issuing of instructions, as well as claims for expenses and damages.

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