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Unilateraler "Consent" im System der Streitbeilegung nach der ICSID Konvention

"Consent" als Voraussetzung der "jurisdiction of the Centre"
Nomos,  2017, 367 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8487-4070-3

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englischThe author provides the first comprehensive theoretical analysis of the most important foundation of ICSID-arbitrations: the unilateral consent. These declarations of state are included in International Investment Agreements and open the possibility for investors to initiate arbitration against its host-state. The central goal of the analysis is to determine the nature of these declarations of state. In order to do so, the author interprets the ICSID-Convention according to the rules of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. In a second step, the conclusions will be applied to two practical questions of International Investment Law: first, the consequences of a denunciation of the ICSID-Convention for the investor‘s possibility to initiate an arbitration against its host-state; second, the question of which law and which rules of interpretation applies to „consent“.