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Verantwortlichkeit bei autonom agierenden Systemen

Fortentwicklung des Rechts und Gestaltung der Technik
Nomos,  2015, 438 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-5768-6

108,00 € incl. VAT
108,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThere is a trend towards technical systems acting more and more autonomously in the near future. This trend becomes especially apparent for instance in the development of autonomous vehicles. Autonomous systems do raise technical issues on the one hand, but on the other they especially provoke legal issues to arise.

Thomas Schulz thus examines current legislation and points out the regulatory needs regarding these systems. In addition, he submits proposals for an adequate development of the law and identifies legal requirements and criteria that commonly have to be taken into account for a legal compatible design of autonomous systems.

The work “Verantwortlichkeit bei autonom agierenden Systemen – Fortentwicklung des Rechts und Gestaltung der Technik“ (“Accountability on Autonomous Systems – Development of the Law and Design of the Technique”) gives experts from industry and research a fundamental understanding of the highly relevant legal challenges of autonomous systems and offers concrete approaches to solve these challenges.