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Eu Yang

Verbraucherschutz im Bauträgervertrag

Ein Rechtsvergleich mit dem taiwanischen Recht
Nomos,  2022, 294 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-7489-1447-1

84,00 € incl. VAT
84,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThis work is a fundamental historical and comparative study of presold house contracts in German and Taiwanese law. Despite the similar systems in the German Civil Code (before the reform of the law of obligations) and the Taiwanese Civil Code, property development contracts are classified differently in terms of contract type in Germany and Taiwan. In consumer protection law, the two countries have different rulemaking strategies. Nevertheless, similar considerations prevail in many aspects of German and Taiwanese law with regard to the protection of purchasers. In addition to the typological classification of the presold house contract, the author examines the complex of topics of consumer protection and deficiency rights.

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