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Vergütungsansprüche des Hochschulbeschäftigten bei Verwertung des geistigen Eigentums durch die Hochschule

Patent-, urheber- und designrechtliche Betrachtung der Verwertungsrechte und Vergütungspflichten der Hochschule
Nomos,  2020, 710 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-7489-0883-8

149,00 € incl. VAT
149,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe publication offers a comprehensive analysis of the principles of remuneration for work results of university employees that are protectable under intellectual property law, insofar as they can be assigned to patent law, copyright law or design law.


University employees create a multitude of work results in the field of intellectual property during their professional life. It needs to be clarified whether and under which conditions these work results are entitled to the respective university as employer. In practice, it is of considerable importance whether and to what extent the university employee is entitled to an additional remuneration claim against the university in addition to the salary if the university exploits "his" work results.

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