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Kahl | Mager


Nomos,  2023, 422 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-7489-1769-4

124,00 € incl. VAT
124,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe fourth volume of the Working Talks on Administrative Law is also aimed at academics and practitioners who are interested in critically reflecting on current developments in administrative law. The volume is dedicated to the general topic of “administrative organisation”. The importance of administrative organisation for controlling and reforming the administration, the selection and qualification of administrative staff, task-adequate administrative organisation in the European administrative network, questions of organisational law of European network administration, the organisation of the European Commission as well as independent administrative units are each discussed from a scientific and practical perspective.

With contributions by

Prof. Dr. Natasa Athanasiadou | Prof. Dr. Jörg Bogumil | Prof. Dr. Christian Calliess | VRiBVG a.D. Ulf Domgörgen | Dr. Annegret Groebel | Prof. Dr. Jörg Gundel | Prof. Dr. Patrick Hilbert | Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Kahl, M.A. | Prof. Dr. Ute Mager | Felix Ortgies | Prof. Dr. Arne Pilniok | RA Dr. Nicolas Sölter | PräsBVG a.D. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Andreas Voßkuhle | Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Weiß

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