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Büscher | Rannenberg | Starnitzke

Wertegeleitete Unternehmensführung

Empirie und Theorie diakonischer und privatwirtschaftlicher Unternehmen
Nomos,  2020, 301 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-7489-0450-2

48,00 € incl. VAT
48,00 € incl. VAT
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englischIn this book, a systematic survey of 25 leaders in private and diaconal companies shows that values—more or less explicitly—play a guiding role in entrepreneurial activity. From this, considerations on a company theory can be derived, into which this circumstance is adequately incorporated. Values do not only stand for an idealistic approach towards a meaningful life, responsible action or sustainability, but also for value-based categories such as profit-making, competition or performance. In contrast to the factor theoretical approaches of business administration, this study develops elements of a company theory that are able to take into account implicit and explicit value dimensions. Values can have a value-adding effect. In addition, the book includes suggestions for an organisation's own design, which really takes into account the values of that organisation in practice.

»Das Buch ist für jene zu empfehlen, die im Management und Aufsichtsbereich diakonische Unternehmen führen oder sich auf solche Führungsaufgaben vorbereiten.«
Frank Fornacon, ChrisCare 2/2021, 35
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