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Hatje | Müller-Graff

XXVIII. FIDE-Kongress vom 23. Mai bis 26. Mai 2018 in Estoril

Die deutschen Landesberichte
Europarecht Beiheft 1 | 2019
Nomos,  2019, 187 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-9981-5

49,00 € incl. VAT
49,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe German national reports and the questions which accompanied them posed by the general rapporteur on the topics addressed by the XXVIII Congress of the International Federation of European Law (FIDE), which took place in Estoril, Portugal from 23rd–26th May 2018, are compiled in this EuR supplement. The reports examine the following three subjects: ‘the single market and the digital economy’ (Wolfgang Kilian und Benjamin Raue), ‘taxes, state subsidies and unfair competition’ (Rainer Wernsmann/Paul Wagner) and ‘the external dimension of EU policies’ (Till Müller-Ibold). They are supplemented by documentation on the EU’s legal framework of questions, as stipulated by each general rapporteur, in accordance with the traditional method used by FIDE.