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Zeit als Ressource im Recht

Nomos,  2024, ca. 300 Pages

ISBN 978-3-7560-1722-5

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The work is part of the series Fundamenta Juridica (Volume 80)
approx. 94,00 € incl. VAT
Published August 2024 (available for reservation)
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englischDo we have a right to time? – We become aware of time particularly when there is none. Time is a prerequisite for any autonomous action, so we may experience a lack of time as a loss of autonomy. While this seems trivial on a small scale, it reveals fundamental questions of justice on a larger scale.

This thesis examines these questions and provides a legal framework for the assessment of time. It explores how law affects if and how much time we have. It proposes viewing time as a resource that is available to us all in equal measure and is only diminished by external interference. The Constitution arguably protects against such interference, specifically through a "temporal subsistence minimum".

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