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Vorstand der DVParl

Zukunft der repräsentativen Demokratie

50 Jahre Deutsche Vereinigung für Parlamentsfragen e.V. (DVParl)
Stenographisches Protokoll zur Veranstaltung vom 22. Mai 2023 im Deutschen Bundestag

Herausgegeben vom Vorstand der DVParl

Nomos,  2024, 128 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-7489-1984-1

29,00 € incl. VAT
29,00 € incl. VAT
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englischParliaments are subject to a wide range of criticism. This makes it all the more important to provide reliable knowledge about their legal and political foundations, tasks, achievements and challenges. Democracy, in which society as a whole is expressed in its plurality and through which it gains integration, is inconceivable without a functioning parliamentary system. According to Germany’s Basic Law, the majority party forms the government. At the same time, the opposition gives minorities their voice. However, complex problems have long demanded that political positions be accompanied by objective rationality. This corresponds to the priority of the Bundestag as a working parliament, whose decision-making powers are also interwoven into federal and European structures. How it can fulfil its legislative and communicative functions in a future-oriented manner under these conditions is the central question of this study.

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