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Alfred Schnittke in Hamburg

Aspekte einer transnationalen Biographie und späten Schaffensphase
Olms,  2023, 205 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-487-42395-1

49,00 € incl. VAT
49,00 € incl. VAT
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englischHe was a crosser on both a stylistic and personal level: the German-Russian-Jewish composer Alfred Schnittke (1934–1998) chose Hamburg as the new centre of his life in 1990, but remained connected to his old home in Moscow and travelled extensively. In the artistic environment of the Hanseatic city, Schnittke developed immense productivity despite severe health impairments. This phase is of particular music-historical interest from both a biographical and a compositional point of view and is the focus of this volume. Individual analytical studies look for the characteristics of a "late work" and signs of a changed compositional identity.


With contributions by

Boris Belge | Elena Dubinets | Hans-Ulrich Duffek | Amrei Flechsig | Reinhard Flender | Stefan Keym | Inna Klause | Jürgen Köchel | Elmar Lampson | Ivana Medić | Frank Strobel | Tim Sullivan

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