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Franz von Gaudy: Ausgewählte Werke

Band 2: Gedichte
Olms,  2023, 523 Pages, mit 25 Abbildungen

ISBN 978-3-487-16089-4

69,00 € incl. VAT
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69,00 € incl. VAT
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englischFranz von Gaudy (1800–1840) was a late romantic and realistic writer in the Vormärz period. He wrote prose – novellas, stories, travel accounts – and poems, ballads and romances, had a distinctly satirical vein and was, because of his trained sense for languages, an excellent translator from French and Polish. Well-regarded and much read in the literary Germany of his own day, he is today, unjustly, largely forgotten, although traces of his reception can be found in the works of Friedrich Nietzsche and Arno Schmidt.


With Vol. 2, a selection from Gaudy's lyrical oeuvre appears, namely the selection he himself made. The volume contains a comprehensive account of his lyrical oeuvre and detailed commentaries, the images for the picture poems, and an index of the settings.


Volume 1 (2020) includes the novellas and stories created during Gaudy's trips to Italy in 1835 and 1838/39 and, for the first time, offers a reliable text based on the first printings in modernized orthography.

Find the cover of the current title in PDF format here: