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Deutsch-Jüdische Geschichte durch drei Jahrhunderte. Ausgewählte Schriften in zehn Bänden

Ergänzungsband 3. Begegnungen. Menschen, die meinen Lebensweg kreuzten
Olms,  2023, 422 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-487-42416-3

39,00 € incl. VAT
39,00 € incl. VAT
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englischEvery biography is determined by encounters with others who have shaped, challenged, encouraged or set you apart. The historian Julius H. Schoeps traces his encounters with very different people, with Ignatz Bubis and Heinz Galinski, Schalom Ben-Chorin, Daniel Goldhagen, Philipp Auerbach, Marianne Awerbuch, Uri Averny and others. Each of them stands for a chapter of German-Jewish history after 1945, for failed returns, the rebuilding of Jewish life, research into the Shoah, Christian-Jewish dialog, relations between Israel and Germany - the coexistence of Jews and Germans.

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