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Gehler | Cuccia | Iser | Strobl

Geschichte Europas. Seine Desintegration und Integration schreiben

Vorläufer, Perzeptionen und Perspektiven der europäischen Idee. Hildesheimer Europagespräche VII. Teilband 1
Olms,  2023, 636 Pages

ISBN 978-3-487-16328-4

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The work is part of the series Historische Europa-Studien (Volume 28,1)
98,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThis double volume contains over 30 lectures and interviews from the "Hildesheim Europe Talks", which have been running since 2007.

The work focuses on precursors and perceptions of European ideas as well as the differences and diversities of Europe, supplemented by critical reflections on the history of European unification after 1945 as well as integration and disintegration. The authors also address Europe's historical, present and future perspectives. The interdisciplinary double volume is enriched by the participation of prominent actors, i.e. diplomats, experts and politicians from Germany, Austria and Europe, who all report on European institutions.

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