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Johann Arndt: Sämtliche Leichenpredigten und Trostschriften

Philipp Jakob Spener: Schriften, Sonderreihe VIII = Johann Arndt-Archiv V

Kritisch herausgegeben von Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johann Anselm Steiger, Aufgrund von Vorarbeiten von Inge Mager, unter Mitwirkung von Marita Gruner, Ralf Schuster, Anika Zimmer

Olms,  2024, ca. 280 Pages

ISBN 978-3-487-16715-2

approx. 149,00 € incl. VAT
Published August 2024 (available for reservation)
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englischThe volume contains the complete writings that the Lutheran theologian, writer of edification, preacher and paracelsist Johann Arndt (1555–1621) had published on the occasion of deaths. Included are six funeral sermons and three writings of consolation, which were published between 1603 and 1617 and thus date from three phases of Arndt's activity as a clergyman – in Brunswick, Eisleben and Lüneburg. In accordance with the principles of the historical-critical Arndt edition, the texts are analysed text-critically and annotated in detail. The epilogue provides an overview of the texts that are edited for the first time in this volume; numerous indexes make the work accessible. The publication of this volume lays the foundation for an adequate appreciation of Arndt's work as a preacher and pastor.

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