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Weißmann | Pietschmann

Sacred Architecture, Rite and Music

Between Byzantinum and the West (6th–15th Centuries)
Olms,  2024, ca. 220 Pages

ISBN 978-3-487-16780-0

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The work is part of the series Music and Sacred Architecture (Volume 2)
approx. 59,00 € incl. VAT
Published August 2024 (available for reservation)
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englischFrom late antiquity to the late Middle Ages, rite and mass piety in the Byzantine Eastern and Latin Western Church were determined by the intersection of liturgical and musical practice with the sacred space. To what extent did the liturgy in the East and West influence the architectural and pictorial design of church interiors as well as musical composition and performance practice? How did liturgical texts and chants interact with mosaics and wall paintings? And what impact did the room acoustics have on the spoken and sung word? The book examines these and other questions in an interdisciplinary dialogue and discusses transfer processes between Byzantium and the Euro-Mediterranean region from late antiquity to the Late Middle Ages.

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