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Universallogik / Verbale Logik

Eine Synthese klassischer Logiken von Aristoteles, Leibniz, Boole, Frege, Peano, Cantor, Zermelo / Ein Grammatik-Kalkül nach Ideen von Leibniz und Peano
Olms,  2020, 292 Pages

ISBN 978-3-487-15927-0

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The work is part of the series Philosophische Texte und Studien (Volume 122)
49,80 € incl. VAT
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englischUniversallogik examines the most important systems of classical logic in history, places them in contemporary form of calculus using symbolic notation, and unifies them into a logic that spans the whole of history and optimises the older stages. As the title suggests, the work seeks to drive forward Leibniz’s programme of a universal language of logical calculus. He realised this using different levels of Aristotelian logic, and inspired Frege and Peano in the late 19th century to develop it in the direction of set theory, which was then significantly influenced by Cantor and Zermelo. Historical projections and calculations by these and other logicians are reprocessed based on their sources and embedded into a radically simplified and significantly more effective universal calculus. The appended Verbale Logik uses a logical grammar to expand the Universal logic into a precise logical verbal language. It updates the ideas of Leibniz and of Peano, who took up Leibniz’s programme in the late 19th century and set the course for an effective verbal language which also functions as a symbolic language. It is not an artificial mathematical language but a core element of the familiar vernacular. With ist grammatically precise form, which ensures an unambiguous formulation, it is a useful took for anyone wanting to express themselves precisely and comprehensively.