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Páez Bonifaci

Wilhelm Windelband's Historical Philosophy

The Path from Neo-Kantianism to Neo-Hegelianism
Olms,  2023, 250 Pages

ISBN 978-3-487-16654-4

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The work is part of the series Studien und Materialien zur Geschichte der Philosophie (Volume 102)
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Within the broader reevaluation of the Neo-Kantian movement, this book undertakes the task of reconstructing Wilhelm Windelband’s philosophical endeavor. Windelband’s philosophical program was centered on the synthesis of two seemingly antithetical forces: transcendental philosophy and historical consciousness. He possessed a keen awareness of the intricacies inherent to historical thought and the compelling necessity to reformulate transcendental philosophy in terms of a true historical philosophy. This conceptual evolution ultimately steers his philosophical program away from its initial Neo-Kantian roots, giving rise to a novel strain of Neo-Hegelianism.

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