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Antisemitismus in der AfD

Eine Untersuchung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Falls Wolfgang Gedeon
Mit einem Geleitwort von Meron Mendel
Tectum,  2021, 176 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8288-4674-6

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englischWith this study, Paula Tuschling fills a research gap by examining the AfD's relationship to antisemitism in general and on the basis of the Wolfgang Gedeon case in particular. The case analysis, with its extensive theoretical foundation, decodes different forms of antisemitism in several published writings of the AfD member of the federal state parliament - who stayed in office until 2020 - and places the Causa Gedeon in an overall context with the AfD's handling of internal party cases of antisemitism. The work spans from the historical continuity of antisemitism to the inherent belief in conspiracy ideologies and identifies this as a central element of the AfD's rhetorical strategies.

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