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Christentum und europäische Kultur

Der Einfluss des Christentums auf Künste, Recht, Naturwissenschaft und Philosophie

Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Dr. Peter Antes

Tectum,  2. Edition 2023, 188 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8288-5055-2

39,00 € incl. VAT
39,00 € incl. VAT
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englischIdeas about the influence of Christianity on European culture and science today are often one-sided. This volume offers an introduction to the scholarly study of the history of Christianity's impact. It shows which theological interpretations of the Christian faith have inspired artists, architects and musicians in their works and influenced their design. Law, natural science and philosophy also owe inspiration to Christianity, which is important in order to grasp the development of these disciplines in depth and not to see everything only from today's perspective. In this way, the volume also aims to counteract a hasty, uninformed cultural discontinuation.


With contributions by

Axel Frhr. V. Campenhausen | Horst Folkers | Johannes Huber | Ulrich H.J. Körtner | Klaus Kowalski | Georg Langenhorst | Margit Pavelka(†) | Jannis Vlachopoulos | Franz Wachtler(†).

»Die Neuauflage zeigt, wie aktuell dieses Thema gerade auch heute noch ist - für Religionswissenschaftler:innen eine lohnenswerte Lektüre.«
Prof. Dr. Edith Franke, Yggdrasill, 26.10.2023
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