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Deutsche Flüchtlinge aus Ostpreußen in Dänemark 1945–1949

Mit einem Vorwort von Prof. Dr. Jens E. Olesen
Tectum,  2023, 112 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8288-5042-2

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englischAfter the expulsion of East Prussian refugees to Denmark in 1945, the country had to adjust to taking in thousands of refugees within a very short time. Elisa Herzig sheds light on the fate of these people and paints a comprehensive picture of their challenges, everyday life, nutrition and schooling in the Danish camps. The author also looks at how the East Prussian refugees experienced their stay and treatment in a foreign country. Through extensive source work and the inclusion of eyewitness accounts and diaries, she succeeds in providing an in-depth analysis of this past refugee crisis, the conclusions of which are also highly relevant for the 21st century.

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