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Die Vielfalt von Nachhaltigkeit und das Phänomen der Diskrepanz

Eine vergleichende Analyse von Werten und Praktiken im Rahmen der Grounded Theory
Mit einem Vorwort von Dr. Thorsten Berndt
Tectum,  2021, 126 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8288-7731-3

32,00 € incl. VAT
32,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe book presents the type-definable diversity of sustainable lifestyles and the problem of the discrepancy between sustainability values and realized practices. Methodologically, the ethno-graphic research is based on Grounded Theory according to Anselm Strauss. Anthropocentric and physiocentric approaches from environmental ethics, Max Weber's protestant ethics and Pierre Bourdieu's concept of habitus serve as a theoretical framework.

Besides the empirically founded typology of sustainable lifestyles, the demonstration of the discrepancies between values and realized practices, which exist across all types, can be cited as a central result.

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