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Elisabeth Charlotte von Orléans

Eine pfälzische Prinzessin am französischen Königshof
Tectum,  2023, 354 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8288-7972-0

39,00 € incl. VAT
39,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThis volume takes a multi-faceted look at the life and work of Elisabeth Charlotte of Orleans, better known as Liselotte von der Pfalz. From her marriage in 1671 until her death in 1722, she lived at the French royal court and described in her letters - of which, according to conservative estimates, about 6000 have survived - all the events that seemed significant to her. These included festivities at court, diplomatic occasions, wars, cases of illness and death as well as outlandish occurrences or even atrocity stories. In addition to Liselotte's correspondence, contemporaries of the Palatine also have their say in order to provide a closer understanding of the events, thus supplementing the author's comments and explanations.

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