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Erziehung bei Nietzsche und Grasberger

Tectum,  2023, 102 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8288-4877-1

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The work is part of the series Wissenschaftliche Beiträge aus dem Tectum Verlag: Philosophie (Volume 43)
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englischTwo unrecognised volumes by the philologist and pedagogue Lorenz Grasberger on education and teaching in antiquity may represent a decisive impulse for Nietzsche's considerations about Bildung. Perhaps even Nietzsche’s educational reflection would remain incomprehensible without Grasberger's overview, which Nietzsche borrowed in Basel and which looks in detail at the education of the body and at the great care bestowed on Bildung. It would thus be part of the intellectual substructure from which Nietzsche creates his pedagogical work. The emphasis Nietzsche places on ancient education, the παιδεία, and his critical relationship to modern Bildung are re-examined in this regard.

»Diesmal ist Jégoudez’ Vorstoß in das Panorama der ›Bildung bei Nietzsche‹ noch punktgenauer und scharfsinniger, gerade indem er die Figur Lorenz Grasbergers raffiniert herausarbeitet und in ein völlig neues Verhältnis zu Nietzsche setzt.«
Prof. Paolo Scolari, Aufklärung & Kritik 4/2023
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