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Bluhm | Diao-Klaeger | Raab | Sesselmeier

Fakt und Fake

Kultur- und sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf Wahrheit und Lüge
Tectum,  2023, 204 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8288-5039-2

49,00 € incl. VAT
49,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe tension between what is fact and what is fake is shaping a large number of current debates. Guarantees and obligations have lost their self-evident nature, appearing flexible, negotiable and uncertain, and the distinction between what is true and what is false has become blurred.

The contributors to this book from the field of cultural and social sciences look at this problem area from their respective disciplinary perspectives. The topic of lies becomes particularly important, with the authors systematising and historically contextualising the concept and its appearance. The book examines lies in politics, language–image constellations, and recent developments in media technology as well as thematisations of lies in literature.


With contributions by

Michael Bahn, Lothar Bluhm, Marc Fritzsche, Lars Thorben Henk, Achim Hescher, Andreas Osterroth, Georg Wenzelburger and Timo S. Werner.

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