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Grundlagen und normativer Rahmen der Telematik im Gesundheitswesen

Zugleich eine Betrachtung des Systems der Schutzebenen des Gesundheitsdaten- und Patientengeheimnisschutzrechts
Nomos,  2017, 1520 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8487-4268-4

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The work is part of the series Nomos Universitätsschriften – Recht (Volume 918)
189,00 € incl. VAT
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englischDoctors have always depended on information from their patients to ensure high quality medical care. They are increasingly moving in a technologically advanced environment and information and communication technologies are influencing their profession. Advantages of the technologies can conflict with the data privacy rights of patients who have an interest in the self-determined data transfer. This tense situation and the previously neglected topic of health data protection are gaining in importance, as a result of the recent European legal development. The area is also characterized by specific regulations for the electronic health card and is regulated by the need for medical confidentiality. This results in a highly complex system of standards, which so far has not been systematically recorded. The author is concerned with the regulatory framework for health related technology and systems (e-health), including the legal aspects of national and European law.

»eine wahre Fundgrube ... ein Thema, das uns noch Jahrzehnte beschäftigen wird.«Dr. Thilo Weichert, DANA 2/2019, 113

»... eine wahre ›Fundgrube‹. Wenige haben die verschiedenen gerade im Gesundheitswesen zu beachtenden Ebenen so grundlegend wie überzeugend durchdrungen wie er, so dass er auf festem Fundament auch zukünftige normative Änderungen in sein Konzept ›einpassen‹ können wird.«
RA Dr. Ole Ziegler, GuP 2018, 60