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Health Equity im deutschen Gesundheitssystem

Eine Studie zum ökonomischen Potenzial im Kontext der Digitalisierung
Mit einem Vorwort von Prof. Dr. Thomas Breisach
Tectum,  2024, 132 Pages

ISBN 978-3-68900-034-9

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The work is part of the series Young Academics: Gesundheitswissenschaft (Volume 1)
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englischHealth equity can create a virtuous circle in the health system and the economy. If the fair distribution of opportunities to achieve the best possible individual state of health improves people's well-being, overburdened structures will be relieved and productivity will increase.

Bianca Flachenecker has been analysing the healthcare industry as a journalist for around ten years, most recently as editor-in-chief of the trade magazine Health&Care Management. Based on interviews with experts, she shows the economic and social potential that leading decision-makers in the healthcare sector see in health equity and thus provides new impetus for the organisation of healthcare.

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