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Immaterialgüterrechtlicher Schutz von KI

Tectum,  2024, 112 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-68900-102-5

29,00 € incl. VAT
29,00 € incl. VAT
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englischCan AI be protected? - It depends.

This trivial formulation touches on a question that is anything but trivial: If, and if so under what conditions, can AI itself be protected and what rights even come into consideration?

One might be inclined to think that AI is further developed software to which the same provisions of copyright law ultimately apply as to other programs. However, it turns out that the correct classification of AI structures under intellectual property law can be extremely difficult.

This book should be seen as an attempt at systematization in order to understand and legally classify basic characteristics. Only then can it be answered to what extent AI can be protected and whether the considerable investments in this new technology can be adequately safeguarded.

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