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Neokoloniale Strukturen in der internationalen Klimapolitik

Eine postkoloniale Perspektive auf den Diskurs im Rahmen der UN-Klimakonferenzen
Tectum,  2021, 164 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8288-7662-0

28,00 € incl. VAT
28,00 € incl. VAT
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englischClimate change is not just one of the main problems of this century, it rather is a matter of justice: It was particularly caused by western industrialized countries and now hits all states bit by bit – regardless of the question of guilt. The author studies how states struggle for solutions and binding rules at the annual Climate Change conferences and which of the proposals have prevailed. Using approaches of the postcolonial theory, she examines which power relations that are tracing back to colonialism still exist at the political, economic and epistemic level.

»Die Betrachtung aus postkolonialer Perspektive ermöglicht dabei lohnende Erkenntnisse, dekonstruiert implizit das Narrativ des "selben Bootes" und plädiert für die Dekolonisierung internationaler Klimapolitik, zu welcher der vorliegende Band einen wichtigen Beitrag leistet.« Mai 2021
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