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Täter auf der Schulbank

Die Offiziersausbildung der Ordnungspolizei und der Holocaust
Tectum,  2017, 676 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8288-4050-8

39,95 € incl. VAT
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englischWithout the police, the Holocaust would not have been possible. During the Third Reich, their most important school was located in Fürstenfeldbruck near Munich. There, hundreds of men from all of Germany attended special courses in which the Ordnungspolizei, the regular police force of Nazi Germany, trained them as their officers. Next to hard drill and paragraphs, the curriculum included anti-partisan warfare and antisemitism. Armed with this knowledge, numerous commissioners left for ‘external missions’ at the end of their courses, and an appallingly large number of them returned being mass murderers and war criminals. After the end of the war, they continued their careers without ever being held accountable for their deeds.

For the first time, Sven Deppisch examines the history of the police academy in Fürstenfeldbruck. He shows how the National Socialists instructed their leading law enforcers for carrying out their tasks in the Holocaust. The study analyses the educational system of Nazi dictatorship and illustrates the subjects and contents of the special courses. It also reveals what life was like at this outstanding teaching facility, and which mass atrocity crimes its personnel participated in. It unveils that from the Weimar Republic until well into the time of the federal republic the same mindset, the same strategies of operation and the same concept of an enemy existed in the German police force, which is what their horrible contribution to the genocide of the Jews was based on.

»Es ist das Verdienst seiner Monographie, die
in der Forschung gängige Überbetonung der weltanschaulichen Schulung zu relativieren, dafür aber die Wichtigkeit der militärischen Schulung herauszustellen.«
Anton Gleissner, Zeitschrift für Bayerische Landesgeschichte 3/2022, 843

»den Kenntnisstand der Forschung erheblich erweiternde Arbeit.«
Dr. Martin Moll, MGZ 2019, 561

»Mit seinem Buch hat Sven Deppisch einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Geschichte der maßgeblichen und umfassenden Beteiligung deutscher Polizeieinheiten und deutscher Polizeioffiziere am Holocaust geschrieben.«
Herbert Reinke, René Schlott (Hrsg.), Raul Hilberg und die Holocaust-Historiographie 2019, 261

»Der Historiker Sven Deppisch hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, die Legende der >sauberen Polizei< unter den Nazis zu widerlegen – als [...]
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