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"Wie wir uns ergänzten"

Lebens- und Arbeitsgemeinschaften in Deutschland zwischen Reform und Moderne
Tectum,  2024, 582 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8288-5160-3

124,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThis volume is dedicated to the (re)discovery of six pairs of artists of the applied arts in Germany between 1890 and 1930. Ursel Tischkewitz traces their biographies and artistic careers, taking into account the historical and socio-cultural context of an art characterized by hierarchies at the beginning of the 20th century. The focus is on documenting the creative achievements of the women artists, most of which were previously invisible. The author has reconstructed these through extensive research and, in some cases, the first ever examination of diaries, letters and undiscovered documents. With work monographs, an extensive bibliography, newly discovered source material and contemporary publications, the work provides the basis for further research.


The following pairs are the focus of the work: Rudolf and Fia Wille, Wolfgang and Herthe von Wersin, Wenzel Hablik and Elisabeth Hablik-Lindemann, Max and Else Wislicenus, Max Wislicenus and Wanda Bibrowicz, Gertrud Kleinhempel and Margarete Junge.

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