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Zum sexuellen Missbrauch in der katholischen Kirche

Kritik am Münchener Missbrauchsgutachten von 2022
Mit einem Geleitwort von Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Rees
Tectum,  2023, 100 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8288-4940-2

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The work is part of the series Young Academics: Rechtswissenschaft (Volume 5)
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englischIn 2022, the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising commissioned the Munich law firm Westphal Spilker Wastl to prepare a report on sexual abuse in their diocese. Dr. Matthias Losert has dealt in detail with the 1,893-page expert opinion. With precise reasoning and great legal expertise, he proves that the Munich abuse report has considerable deficits and that the presumption of innocence was not observed in many cases. The author thus makes an important contribution to objectifying the debate on sexual abuse in the Catholic Church.

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